Series 4-Vengence and Victory

With the loss of The Claw's most important ally and the destruction of Intellect Defense Todd Ticket is forced to look for work. With Random Bishop's help he is able to take a puny job as a copy/errand boy with the mayor.

Realizing he can't keep his puny job up forever he is influenced to go back to school, to use his new knowledge to try and someday rebuild Intellect Defense.

He and the heroes of The Claw try to decide what to do next in the wake of the destruction.

They are also faced with the decision of hunting down the foes who brought them to their knees without the support of Intellect Defense!

Series 4 History-Time Line

22. After the loss of Prof. Carter and their industry Todd decides he needs to not give up hope. He tries to get jobs with some of the other big science companies in town but without any degrees he is unable to prove that he knows what he knows! Once again, he’s labeled as being a ‘big, dumb’ ex-steel worker who can’t compete in the science world… even though he’s probably smarter than most of the people who are doing the hiring!
Trying hard to keep up her good fight after loosing her mentor, Prof. Carter, Marla begins to try to find money from other companies to help re-set up Intellect Defense on her own. The President of Sundown Inc. is anxious to meet her but he is first approached by a mysterious military contact (of the ReinForcers) who tells him to not get involved in what’s going on. They warn him that he would be jeopardizing a big government sting operation. He complies and when Marla approaches him he has no choice but to turn her down. Angered, she leaves, determined to do it all on her own. The President of Sundown Inc. feels very bad… especially since his company is set up to help other companies that may, hopefully, create more good super heroes!
work out of an old garage that was supplied to her. But she knows it’s only a matter of time before the ends catch up with the means.
Taking Sable Blade’s phase sword she discovers that she can apply it to herself, rendering her capable of passing through solid objects. The experiment almost costs her her life when she finds she can’t turn it off.
And Prof. Carter’s friend (Head of Innovative Inc.) watches from a distance and takes secret notice of their actions. He suddenly decides he can’t not act anymore…

23. With Random Bishop’s help he is able to take a puny job as a copy/errand boy with the mayor Todd is able to keep his ear to where The Claw is needed the most.
Innovative Inc. releases Red Thunder, who is given the same instructions: arrest The Claw.
Marla rolls her sleeves up and begins to operate out of an old garage, trying to rebuild everything she needs to help repair The Claw’s equipment… because it’s only a matter of time before he’ll need that. Marla is upset that Innovative Inc. unleashed their new ‘anti-tank’ weapon while Forkliftman is still on the loose! Now he can upgrade his weapons to counter Red Thunder’s!
However, in their battles they all come across a similar foe and are forced to work together. The Claw saves Red Thunder’s life but is injured/weakened in the action. Blue Lightening then stops the foe.
When Blue Lightening is ready to arrest The Claw after the battle (and is weak from the fight) Red Thunder tells Blue Lightening to stop being dumb. Red Thunder takes Blue Lightening out so The Claw is not arrested. Blue Lightening tells Red Thunder that he will be watching The Claw. If he does ANYTHING to show that he is not what he says he is… he will take him down! (arrest him)

49. The Claw is chasing down Crimson Shell and is first attacked and then assisted by Bionica, a blonde-haired Russian bombshell that seems to like The Claw on a personal level!
She swings away before he can get any info on her. As he tries to find her he discovers she has no prints, no ID scans… nothing on record as if she never even existed!

1. The mayor does to ultimate dumb thing and Random Bishop is forced to choose sides: tired of the “Prowl” drug youth’s powers and interfering she decides to outlaw any who show powers linked to the drug-being biased and categorizing any and all as drug users and therefore illegal. Random Bishop’s daughter, Carol, had the drug forced upon her and not a user.
Throwing away his career he quits to join The Claw and stop the current threat (which threatens his family).
The Future leader of the “Prowlers” youth group is furious and decides to fight the mayor on this… before the “Prowl” drug powers community decides to go up in arms against her. He tells his people to stay on the lookout for anyone that might try to harm the mayor.
In order to help The Claw out he decides to stop sitting on the sidelines and decides to get into the action. With the help of Marla, she arms him with new ionic bond weapons to become Bondman. Bondman is also armed with a mysteriously science-fiction-type laser that The Claw got from some stereo-typical bank robbers. Together, they take out this new threat.
Random Bishop then gets a new job to help provide for his family that is not so dangerous (and pays about the same). Random Bishop also swallows his pride and asks Impersonator and Accomplice to pretend to be cops more so that they can get news from the police, like he used to do for Prof. Carter.
As a result of Random Bishop’s actions, Marla decides again to play around with Sable Blade’s phase technology… to perfect it! (so that she can also help Todd)

2. A tall, strong, seemingly impervious Russian character shows up in town taking out bad guys and claiming to be looking for Bionica. He goes by the name of Iron Clad and always seems to dress very well.
Random Bishop is approached by the President of Sundown and offered a job as his head of security for one of his satellite companies… with better pay and benefits than being chief of police. He says he’ll talk to his wife and she says, “Take it!”

3. The Claw comes across Shattered Shard again and refuses to give up after their last battle and after he took out Professor Carter!
Ticket goes to Mind Wipe in the insane asylum to ask him for help… since he had such a hard time fighting him last time.
With Bionica’s help they follow him to an underground lab where The Claw and Bionica are both captured. Ring Blade and Flash Freeze is there with a man who calls himself Superior Johnson (Impervious). There, his scientists steal the secrets the ionic bond from The Claw and before their eyes finish creating Arachnid. Arachnid springs into action to release havoc on the city with Shatter Shard.
Random Bishop decides to take the job and the President of Sundown Inc. takes him to the ‘satellite’ company – right back to Marla in The Claw’s HQ! Now he can do what he always wanted – fight on the side of good without compromising his standards and still be able to take care of his family.

4. Sure enough, Forkliftman reappears with a bigger, nastier forklift-tank! Blue Lightening believes he is ready for him but is unable to keep up with his new defenses.
She then unveils the new Robo-LAW: a giant, supped-up, wearable robot LAW weapon. The Claw tries to take Forkliftman out with it but again, it comes down to brains and his small mini-LAWS that does the trick.
Forkliftman goes back to jail.

5. The Claw’s friends are looking for him and they gather their allies: Bondman, Sable Blade, Triplicate, and Iron Clad. The President of Sundown Inc. is watching from a distance in his own battle suit.
In the middle of the night, after Superior and his men have left The Claw is able to escape by getting out of his outfit. With his mini-LAWs he is able to free Bionica and try to escape. However, the alarms are triggered and a fight soon breaks out. There is a big fight but The Claw and Bionica are both outnumbered. They manage to cause an explosion, which brings their friends to their assist and save them.
They manage to destroy the lab, which causes the roof to fall in on Superior. Believing their boss to be destroyed his men/scientists/projects flee.
The Claw and others rush out into the night to stop Shatter Shard and Arachnid (and whatever others) they can from their plot but don’t notice Iron Clad capturing Bionica. Iron Clad tortures Bionica (who has been claiming that she is Russian Intelligence) to find out who she works for. He is convinced and appeased that she is not what she says she is and is willing to release her… on the condition that she tells no one the truth.
The President of Sundown Inc. now joins them. The others don’t know who he is. With his help and the help of his friends The Claw is able to stop Superior Johnston’s men, including Arachnid.
Iron Clad leaves for Russia. Bionica disappears without a goodbye. And Marla starts to set up shop in BioMech’s old secret headquarters!
Mind Wipe’s insanity is temporary! Suddenly he is capable of processing all of his new abilities, knowledge, and information he is able to escape with ease!