Series 4-Vengence and Victory

With the loss of The Claw's most important ally and the destruction of Intellect Defense Todd Ticket is forced to look for work. With Random Bishop's help he is able to take a puny job as a copy/errand boy with the mayor.

Realizing he can't keep his puny job up forever he is influenced to go back to school, to use his new knowledge to try and someday rebuild Intellect Defense.

He and the heroes of The Claw try to decide what to do next in the wake of the destruction.

They are also faced with the decision of hunting down the foes who brought them to their knees without the support of Intellect Defense!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Red Thunder

Another official protector of Cycle City, even though The Claw’s been around longer.
Blue Lightening and The Claw are natural competitors but Red Thunder is more open about working with The Claw.

So, even though Red Thunder is openly supported by other companies and affiliates he’s not a glory-hound cheeseball.

Ground policing unit-the equivalent of a one-manned, walking tank and the city's answer to Forkliftman-his arch nemesis.

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