Real name: Denton Bennett
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Nice, cocky, over-eager, sometimes anxious, flexible, anticipating, and over-thinking.
Weapons/Equipment: An entire wardrobe of available costumes, set pieces, real and fake props/weapons, make-up gallery, and stuntman equipment. Prop pieces include stunt-doubles of The Claw's gear. Also has access to almost limitless amounts of reference material and information pieces.
Skills/Abilities: They can portray various accents, ages, attitudes, moods, and character flaws. They are also professionally trained in stage fighting/combat and stunts.
Preferred Strike: Handcuff criminals and call the real cops in an 'anonymous tip' for the final gotcha!
Tired of there ‘never a cop around when you need one’ he decided to become one with just a few props, costume, and dialogue.
Then he decided to be The Claw – because he’s a fan…
Student at Fleetwood college where Todd Ticket attends; he takes every class he possibly can to be able to fill the role of ‘hero.’
Impersonator’s nemesis is a fellow actor-a character actor who thinks he is playing the part of a criminal rockstar. The character is a rockstar who realizes he can get more publicity blowing things up and killing people than doing rock concerts. It started when a person was killed at his concert by being trampled to death. Surprising everyone, he started to do things to encourage such violent acts from his fans. Then he started to do them himself until he’d sunk in too far. He realized the cops couldn’t touch him because he was already a big star so things escalated quickly. The character’s nemesis is a tough, bad cop who has no problem blowing things up also just to try and stop him! (Jack Slade-type character). Impersonator is asked by The Claw to play the part of the ‘good guy’ to help distract the character actor so that he can stop him. In the end, when The Claw helps stop him, the character actor only goes down because Impersonator takes him out, claiming the script said so!
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