Series 4-Vengence and Victory

With the loss of The Claw's most important ally and the destruction of Intellect Defense Todd Ticket is forced to look for work. With Random Bishop's help he is able to take a puny job as a copy/errand boy with the mayor.

Realizing he can't keep his puny job up forever he is influenced to go back to school, to use his new knowledge to try and someday rebuild Intellect Defense.

He and the heroes of The Claw try to decide what to do next in the wake of the destruction.

They are also faced with the decision of hunting down the foes who brought them to their knees without the support of Intellect Defense!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Real name: Superior Johnston
Affiliation: BioMech
Temperament: Brilliant, educated, patient, charming, intelligent, resourceful, wise, organized, wealthy, and powerful.
Weapons/Equipment: An entire underground, international scientific criminal empire at his disposal.
Powers/Abilities: KNOWN ABILITIES are not limited to this list. Impervious likes to collect the abilities that work in his 'projects' for himself.
HEAT/RADIATION EYES: Able to fire powerful blasts of heat/radiation from his eyes. Also used for telescoping/night vision.
SUB-ZERO BLAST FROM HANDS: Sub-zero blasts can freeze targets, rendering them susceptible to shattering.
FIRE BREATH: Flamethrowers surgically added and bonded via the ionic bond allow him to literally breathe fire.
SUPER IRON LUNG: Able to breathe out a tremendous amount of wind-power, escalating nearly to hurricane level or freezing temperatures. Ability to alternate lungs allows him to simultaneously breathe in through nose and out through mouth to send a consistent amount of wind indefinitely.
ARMORED SHELL SKIN: Able to create am armored shell on his skin like Shattered Shard, earning him the name Impervious.
CELL REGENERATION: Quick cell regeneration allows him to quickly heal from damage and also slow his aging process.
IONIC BOND SKIN: Controllable ionic bond on surface of skin allows him to hold onto/stick to surfaces.
CONTROL OVER PROJECTS: Superior has an ability that allows him to ‘turn off’ his projects at will so that they cannot be used against him.
HEIGHTENED ABILITIES: Super strength/crushing ability, super grappling/lifting ability, super speed, super jump/fall, super punch/kick, armored bones,; heightened senses; some mind control and enhanced learning/processing ability.
ADDITIONAL POWER RESERVOIR POTENTIAL: It takes ‘space’ within his body to hold more abilities. Superior has secretly stolen Maximus’s abilities so that he can increase he size if he needs to take on more abilities. Even his own scientists don’t know about this ability!
Preferred Strike: To see an opponent actual destroy themselves with their own weapons. Saves me the effort.

The head of BioMech; an illegal, underground science facility that makes biologically and mechanically enhanced super soldiers, 'projects' – to the right bidder, for the highest price!
His primary claim to fame is the fact that his scientists discovered the way to successfully ionically bond living tissue with mechanical weapons on a cellular level so that there is no distinction between the two. This provides their 'projects' with unlimited super-human abilities.
Superior Johnston collected a group of mad scientists who were unwanted, not liked, and not believed by their scientific peers. Many are cast out for concepts that were borderline illegal, whose theories were banded, ridiculed, ignored, and wanted by Federal law!
They are the scientific equivalent of what happened to the industry/steel workers and engineers.
Dumb enough to try their experiments anyway but smart enough to not do them on themselves. They have a long line of willing guinea pigs with the poor, strong, jobless industry workers.
They create lawless villains specifically to help illegally fund their highly dangerous experiments! They want to destroy their rivals – the other scientists in the community! And they have access to their biggest weapon: the ionic bond.
An enemy targeted by the USA’s military top most wanted list. They recognized that Superior Johnston was a national threat but they needed help flushing him out of hiding. They knew of Ticket's mentor's very public and verbal outspoken view on the scientists of the area. They asked him to push the envelope and openly threaten Superior – which he did. He also had New Project Lashline try to infiltrate his group while Ticket was still recovering from his previous battle with Mind Wipe. As a result, Superior sent his men and Shattered Shard to kill him. In the process they also destroyed Intellect Defense.
Todd Ticket, as The Claw, then fought to crush his empire. He was assisted by Bionica, Iron Clad, Lashline, Bondman, and others.

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