Series 4-Vengence and Victory

With the loss of The Claw's most important ally and the destruction of Intellect Defense Todd Ticket is forced to look for work. With Random Bishop's help he is able to take a puny job as a copy/errand boy with the mayor.

Realizing he can't keep his puny job up forever he is influenced to go back to school, to use his new knowledge to try and someday rebuild Intellect Defense.

He and the heroes of The Claw try to decide what to do next in the wake of the destruction.

They are also faced with the decision of hunting down the foes who brought them to their knees without the support of Intellect Defense!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Originally a prissy brat whom Todd frequently associated with during his time at a local gym while he was training to be The Claw. She was a gymnast who competed internationally. She turned him down for dating several times.
One day she agreed, hungrily, to go out with him. But on her date she was more than forward, putting her ‘hands’ on him under the table (at least, he thought they were hands) and he had to aggressively turn her down. He left her and she followed – and attacked with vicious aggression… and terrifying results!
Her face opened up like a flower to hideous spine-like teeth. Frond-covered vines erupted from her back, dripping with venomous needle-claws and tried to ensnare him. She already smelled appetizing before and now released an almost overpowering sugary-hormone trying to overcome his will. Only with his experience as The Claw was he able to escape.
Able to look completely human or appear as a monstrous, vine/weed creature she is able to lure her prey in with her appealing hormones and looks. Can create flowers, vines, thorns, and petals to lure in unassuming men… for meals!
When The Claw defeats her she retreats into the sewers to wait for another day, and another way, to strike!

Her dad's side of the story
Her father is a biology scientist currently working with plant life.
He got tired of his daughter’s prissy, over-flirtatious, and dating-zealous ways. She seemed to enjoy dumping/hurting men’s hearts more than their company. Hoping to alleviate her vicious ways he slipped bits of some plant extract formula her power drinks, hoping to make men by turned off to her. This continued on for months and her father was anxious for a reaction. But he was wrong – dead wrong.
Instead of turning men off to her she got worse. She attracted them to her like flies to honey. She started to suck from them even more – time, money, emotions, etc.
Over time she became dangerous as she started to attack them – with the intent to drink their blood dry! He found out too late that she’d been slipping her the extract of a Venus flytrap, and now men were her meals!
Desperate to escape with his life he ran – hoping to never face his dear daughter, and the truth he had to give her, again.
Eventually, The Claw caught up with him and he was forced to reveal everything.
The Claw was now forced to deal with the daughter he didn’t dare to discipline!
Worked at Fleetwood University before he ran.

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