Series 4-Vengence and Victory

With the loss of The Claw's most important ally and the destruction of Intellect Defense Todd Ticket is forced to look for work. With Random Bishop's help he is able to take a puny job as a copy/errand boy with the mayor.

Realizing he can't keep his puny job up forever he is influenced to go back to school, to use his new knowledge to try and someday rebuild Intellect Defense.

He and the heroes of The Claw try to decide what to do next in the wake of the destruction.

They are also faced with the decision of hunting down the foes who brought them to their knees without the support of Intellect Defense!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Claw-Aftermath

Real name: Todd Ticket
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Calm, publicly shy, determinded, stumbles over words, likable, funny, good-natured, kind, but unlucky with girls.
Steel-worker turned gymnast, strong, agile, brave, unafraid of heights, quick-thinking/reflexes, and persistant.
Retractable twin drill/claws, one on each hand, able to fire from each hand and connected by a ionic-bond version of a magnetic tractor beam. Able to drill through solid metal with diamond-tipped drills and crush car engines with hydraulic claws. Claw ‘blades’ contain multiple dual-directions ‘hinges’ for versatility.
Claws are fired off with a combination of electromagnetic/harmonic repulsors. The repulsors are specifically tuned to the claw’s harmonic frequency so that they will pull back or launch out, instead of attracting/retracting anything else.
Interior of claws and bottom of boots contain alien ionic bonding substance, enabling him to stick to surfaces.
Interior of claws also contain ionic-bond firing ion cannons, capable of rendering electronic equipment worthless and living tissue unconscious. Later will be able to fire a liquid ionic-bond for trapping targets in place.
Helmet includes various filtering/analyzing/sensory-boosting/scanning equipment.
Ticket can target with his eyes by looking at his target. External speakers and internal functions are all voice activated.

Dual, wrist mini-LAW’s on chains under his street clothes.
Preferred Strike: Double, claw-extended swipe.

Prof. Carter and his company are destroyed and his dream thought to be gone forever. Todd and his friends work to keep his dream alive and avenge the man who came to be their mentor, visionary, and friend.

Lashline-2nd Phase


Real name: Erika Shearer
Affiliation: Intellect Defense
Temperament: Ex-military vet. Mean, rude, and bitter due to the loss of her right arm above the elbow from her previous military experience. She also hates men due to the bad behavior from her previous military assignments (her superior officer was a big, bad jerk). She is almost unethical in her behavior and tactics.
Weapons/Equipment: Wears a cable-rapelling/grappling lashclaw on her right arm above the elbow.
HOOK CLAW: Sharpened, the boomerang-shaped claw can be fought with in hand to hand combat situations or fired at enemies from a distance.
FIRING THE CLAW: A thin, filament cord is wound tight in a quick-release spool near the base of the elbow. With small explosions it can be shot out and used as a grappling hook or weapon, which can be swung from. Maximum 2 city block range. Able to carry only 2 people (Lashline included). Stronger than Todd’s mini-L.A.W.s but not by much.
Skills/Abilities: MARTIAL ARTS EXPERTISE: As an ex-military vet Lashline is versed in various forms of hand to hand combat. Or, in her case, hand to claw combat.
Preferred Strike: Fire off hook-claw into opponent and then pull them into her awaiting elbow-uppercut.

Lashline doesn’t like Bionica or The Claw and is happy to let them know it.

With the discovery of the ionic bond she begs Marla for a permanent bonding to replace her lost arm. When Marla is able to make an appropriate substitute her temperament lightens up considerably... literally overnight!


Real name: Alias is Katriana Korsakov from Russia.
Affiliation: Innovative Inc.
Temperament: Fun-loving, adventurous, a bit on the wild side, flirtatious, reckless, compationate, and head-strong.
IONIC BOND AMPLIFIED HYDROLIC SKELETON: Looking completely human on the outside, Bionica is mostly machine held together by ionic bond on the inside. Her bones have been ioniclly bonded to a complex series of hydrolic lift mechanisims, giving her incredible strength. She is also able to jump high, run fast, and do things no other human could do. Unfortunately, the ionic bond requires a steady stream of electricity in order to remain functional. A small compartment of batteries is installed in her that feeds a steady stream of electricity to her individual systems. These batteries need to be changed regularly. Without the constant flow of electrical current the machines that give her incredible power would kill her.
HIDDEN IDENTITY: Her real name is Conquica Santander and she is Puerto Rican. She was biologically altered to protect her origins and identity. She claims to be from Russia to throw everyone in the wrong direction. She leaves no fingerprints and does not show up on any identification scans, including retinal scans. None of her weapons or mechanical systems show up on any scan.
DUAL, MINI-RAIL GUNS: Carries two, pop-up, internal mini-rail guns in each forearm. The designs were slopped together after extensive research into Dead Bolt’s rail gun. The designs were not stolen-they were figured out by working hard and spying on Dead Bolt.
DUAL, IONIC-BONDING EXOSKELETON HANDS: Thin, small exo-skeleton, robotic hands grab down, latch onto, and bond with her hands when not in use. They are designed to be the same color and pattern as her own hands as to be undetectable when not in use.
FIRING HER EXO-HANDS: A thin, filament cord is wound tight in a quick-release spool near the base of the elbow. With small explosions it can be shot out and used as a grappling hook or weapon, which can be swung from. Maximum 2 city block range.
This is the technology Ticket's mentor traded for access to the ionic bond, not knowing what it's intentions would be used for.
MULTIPLE INTERNAL COMPARTMENTS: Trained as an escape artist, Bionica has multiple tools hidden inside and throughout her body that cannot be detected by scans, including lock-pick devices and first aid kit.
MARTIAL ARTS EXPERTISE: Varying, international forms of hand to hand combat (Ex. Brazilian Jijitsu).
Preferred Strike: Swing, grab, smooch, wink, and punch. Not necessarily in that order, of course. *wink*

The Claw and Bionica were both captured by Superior Johnston and BioMech, where a sample of The Claw's ionic bond was stolen. The secret behind Bionica's multiple robotic limbs was also stolen. Both were used to create the new BioMech 'product' threat of Arachnid!
The Claw managed to escape their trap by removing his claw weapons, a luxery Bionica did not have. He then assisted Bionica in escaping her trap and thetwo of them fled BioMech's secret underground lab.

She continued to assist him in his fight against Impervious, the leader of BioMech, for reasons of her own.

Eventually they are assisted by others, including a Russian secret agent named Iron Klad.
After they are successful The Claw doesn't notice when Iron Klad captures Bionica. Iron Klad tortures Bionica, who has been claiming that she is from Russian Intelligence, to find out who she really works for. He is convinced and appeased that she is not what she says she is and is willing to release her… on the condition that she tells no one the truth!

Her concerns are that The Claw will no longer be willing to accept her when he finds out who and what she really is...

Iron Klad-The Untouchable Russian

Real name: ?
Affiliation: USSR's Secret Service (KGB)
Temperament: Direct, focused, impatient, wise, slow, aggressive, uncaring, reckless, unmovable, and unstoppable.
NEAR INVULNERABILITY: Near indestructible with his virtually-impenetrable polymer mist shield. He needs to reapply the polymer mist with a simple aerosol can every day for peak efficiency.
MULTIPLE MILITARY WEAPONS AND FIREARMS: Traditionally carries the biggest military firearms he can carry at one time, including a shoulder-launching bazooka. Also known to carry automatic machine guns with grenade launcher, flamethrowers, and missile launchers.
MILITARY MARTIAL ARTS: Being near-indestructible, he typically throws his martial arts training out the window and opts for a more simple approach to grappling... and throwing them both out any nearby windows.
Preferred Strike: The one that does the job. And makes the most noise.

A tall, strong, seemingly impervious Russian character shows up in town taking out bad guys and claiming to be looking for Bionica. He always seems to dress very well.
Dead Bolt’s rail gun was stolen from the Russian government. The Russian government made the rail gun for Iron Klad but he didn’t want it because it is a virtually silent weapon. He prefers weapons that make a lot of noise.
When the rail gun designs ‘popped up’ in Cycle City, being carried by a girl that claimed she was from the Russian Secret Service Iron Klad travels to Cycle City to investigate. Iron Clad finds both Dead Bolt and Bionica there.
He has previous connections to Dead Bolt and Dead Eye.
After Impervious is defeated Iron Klad leaves for Russia and Bionica disappears without a goodbye... for now.


Real name: Denton Bennett
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Nice, cocky, over-eager, sometimes anxious, flexible, anticipating, and over-thinking.
Weapons/Equipment: An entire wardrobe of available costumes, set pieces, real and fake props/weapons, make-up gallery, and stuntman equipment. Prop pieces include stunt-doubles of The Claw's gear. Also has access to almost limitless amounts of reference material and information pieces.
Skills/Abilities: They can portray various accents, ages, attitudes, moods, and character flaws. They are also professionally trained in stage fighting/combat and stunts.
Preferred Strike: Handcuff criminals and call the real cops in an 'anonymous tip' for the final gotcha!

Tired of there ‘never a cop around when you need one’ he decided to become one with just a few props, costume, and dialogue.
Then he decided to be The Claw – because he’s a fan…

Student at Fleetwood college where Todd Ticket attends; he takes every class he possibly can to be able to fill the role of ‘hero.’
Impersonator’s nemesis is a fellow actor-a character actor who thinks he is playing the part of a criminal rockstar. The character is a rockstar who realizes he can get more publicity blowing things up and killing people than doing rock concerts. It started when a person was killed at his concert by being trampled to death. Surprising everyone, he started to do things to encourage such violent acts from his fans. Then he started to do them himself until he’d sunk in too far. He realized the cops couldn’t touch him because he was already a big star so things escalated quickly. The character’s nemesis is a tough, bad cop who has no problem blowing things up also just to try and stop him! (Jack Slade-type character). Impersonator is asked by The Claw to play the part of the ‘good guy’ to help distract the character actor so that he can stop him. In the end, when The Claw helps stop him, the character actor only goes down because Impersonator takes him out, claiming the script said so!

The White Knight

REAL NAME: Keith Cary
Foreign exchange student from Taiwan.
Empath and defender of the emotionally abused.

Has the ability to see the true intent in others. This goes beyond people lying – they can actually see what it is they are planning/wanting to do.

Wilde Wolfe

In his human form he still suffers from doggy-syndrome; enhanced smell & hearing, seeing black & white, drooling, scratching behind his ear, etc. He retains all the memories of his doggy-form.

Trying to follow a band of criminals suspected to be linked to a crime syndicate operating out of the Nevada desert, he followed them through a supposedly deserted desert plain, only to discover that it’s actually an old, hidden Indian burial ground.
After his ancient-Indian 'mishaps' he is now seen sniffing, literally, around Cycle City, apparently on the prowl for Superior Johnston... the supposed source to the troubles in Nevada.

Red Thunder

Another official protector of Cycle City, even though The Claw’s been around longer.
Blue Lightening and The Claw are natural competitors but Red Thunder is more open about working with The Claw.

So, even though Red Thunder is openly supported by other companies and affiliates he’s not a glory-hound cheeseball.

Ground policing unit-the equivalent of a one-manned, walking tank and the city's answer to Forkliftman-his arch nemesis.


Real name: Superior Johnston
Affiliation: BioMech
Temperament: Brilliant, educated, patient, charming, intelligent, resourceful, wise, organized, wealthy, and powerful.
Weapons/Equipment: An entire underground, international scientific criminal empire at his disposal.
Powers/Abilities: KNOWN ABILITIES are not limited to this list. Impervious likes to collect the abilities that work in his 'projects' for himself.
HEAT/RADIATION EYES: Able to fire powerful blasts of heat/radiation from his eyes. Also used for telescoping/night vision.
SUB-ZERO BLAST FROM HANDS: Sub-zero blasts can freeze targets, rendering them susceptible to shattering.
FIRE BREATH: Flamethrowers surgically added and bonded via the ionic bond allow him to literally breathe fire.
SUPER IRON LUNG: Able to breathe out a tremendous amount of wind-power, escalating nearly to hurricane level or freezing temperatures. Ability to alternate lungs allows him to simultaneously breathe in through nose and out through mouth to send a consistent amount of wind indefinitely.
ARMORED SHELL SKIN: Able to create am armored shell on his skin like Shattered Shard, earning him the name Impervious.
CELL REGENERATION: Quick cell regeneration allows him to quickly heal from damage and also slow his aging process.
IONIC BOND SKIN: Controllable ionic bond on surface of skin allows him to hold onto/stick to surfaces.
CONTROL OVER PROJECTS: Superior has an ability that allows him to ‘turn off’ his projects at will so that they cannot be used against him.
HEIGHTENED ABILITIES: Super strength/crushing ability, super grappling/lifting ability, super speed, super jump/fall, super punch/kick, armored bones,; heightened senses; some mind control and enhanced learning/processing ability.
ADDITIONAL POWER RESERVOIR POTENTIAL: It takes ‘space’ within his body to hold more abilities. Superior has secretly stolen Maximus’s abilities so that he can increase he size if he needs to take on more abilities. Even his own scientists don’t know about this ability!
Preferred Strike: To see an opponent actual destroy themselves with their own weapons. Saves me the effort.

The head of BioMech; an illegal, underground science facility that makes biologically and mechanically enhanced super soldiers, 'projects' – to the right bidder, for the highest price!
His primary claim to fame is the fact that his scientists discovered the way to successfully ionically bond living tissue with mechanical weapons on a cellular level so that there is no distinction between the two. This provides their 'projects' with unlimited super-human abilities.
Superior Johnston collected a group of mad scientists who were unwanted, not liked, and not believed by their scientific peers. Many are cast out for concepts that were borderline illegal, whose theories were banded, ridiculed, ignored, and wanted by Federal law!
They are the scientific equivalent of what happened to the industry/steel workers and engineers.
Dumb enough to try their experiments anyway but smart enough to not do them on themselves. They have a long line of willing guinea pigs with the poor, strong, jobless industry workers.
They create lawless villains specifically to help illegally fund their highly dangerous experiments! They want to destroy their rivals – the other scientists in the community! And they have access to their biggest weapon: the ionic bond.
An enemy targeted by the USA’s military top most wanted list. They recognized that Superior Johnston was a national threat but they needed help flushing him out of hiding. They knew of Ticket's mentor's very public and verbal outspoken view on the scientists of the area. They asked him to push the envelope and openly threaten Superior – which he did. He also had New Project Lashline try to infiltrate his group while Ticket was still recovering from his previous battle with Mind Wipe. As a result, Superior sent his men and Shattered Shard to kill him. In the process they also destroyed Intellect Defense.
Todd Ticket, as The Claw, then fought to crush his empire. He was assisted by Bionica, Iron Clad, Lashline, Bondman, and others.

Pain Killer

Phase-blades only hurt living tissue so they would not hurt undead monsters.
The frequency harmonies in the phase-blades repel each other like the opposite polar ends on a magnet. As such, 2 phase blades will NOT pass through each other! (Perfect for sword duals!)

Seems to have similar weapons as Sable Blade but with upgrades! He seems to be on a one-man man-hunt for the injured martial artist and doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in his search to find him!

There does not seem to be any clue to where he came from or who he is working for... assuming he actually is.

Pallet Jaq

Female accomplice to Forkliftman

After being betrayed and abandoned by The Conjurer, Forkliftman is stuck in jail with little hope of escape. He is soon to be transported to a prison outside of Cycle City, for life imprisonment without parole.

Jacquoline Palet, also a 3rd generation steel worker, watches clips of his past exploits on tv. She is also mad at the scientific community for ruining her life. She was one of the first invididuals to be released from her company before it finally shut down also, because she was a woman.
Inspired by what he has done and how he took charge of his own life and abilities she builds her own forklift-type tank, complete with a remote control.

She then intentionally gets arrested so that she can be in jail with him. The two are talking and when she decides she does like him, and vice versa, she requests her one phone call: to her tank. Running on automatic pilot, it then busts them out and they escape together.

They go on their own crime spree, both realizing this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


Originally a prissy brat whom Todd frequently associated with during his time at a local gym while he was training to be The Claw. She was a gymnast who competed internationally. She turned him down for dating several times.
One day she agreed, hungrily, to go out with him. But on her date she was more than forward, putting her ‘hands’ on him under the table (at least, he thought they were hands) and he had to aggressively turn her down. He left her and she followed – and attacked with vicious aggression… and terrifying results!
Her face opened up like a flower to hideous spine-like teeth. Frond-covered vines erupted from her back, dripping with venomous needle-claws and tried to ensnare him. She already smelled appetizing before and now released an almost overpowering sugary-hormone trying to overcome his will. Only with his experience as The Claw was he able to escape.
Able to look completely human or appear as a monstrous, vine/weed creature she is able to lure her prey in with her appealing hormones and looks. Can create flowers, vines, thorns, and petals to lure in unassuming men… for meals!
When The Claw defeats her she retreats into the sewers to wait for another day, and another way, to strike!

Her dad's side of the story
Her father is a biology scientist currently working with plant life.
He got tired of his daughter’s prissy, over-flirtatious, and dating-zealous ways. She seemed to enjoy dumping/hurting men’s hearts more than their company. Hoping to alleviate her vicious ways he slipped bits of some plant extract formula her power drinks, hoping to make men by turned off to her. This continued on for months and her father was anxious for a reaction. But he was wrong – dead wrong.
Instead of turning men off to her she got worse. She attracted them to her like flies to honey. She started to suck from them even more – time, money, emotions, etc.
Over time she became dangerous as she started to attack them – with the intent to drink their blood dry! He found out too late that she’d been slipping her the extract of a Venus flytrap, and now men were her meals!
Desperate to escape with his life he ran – hoping to never face his dear daughter, and the truth he had to give her, again.
Eventually, The Claw caught up with him and he was forced to reveal everything.
The Claw was now forced to deal with the daughter he didn’t dare to discipline!
Worked at Fleetwood University before he ran.


She has the ability to put any type of emotion of any degree into a person via touch – rendering them incapable, incoherent, and able to be manipulated. If she puts too much of the wrong kind of emotion into someone she may possible kill them. Touch goes through armor or energy-as long as there is some type of contact.

Scarlet Streak

Another out of work steel worker who was hired by Innovative Inc.’s CEO, following Prof. Cloward's suggestions to help take responsibility for putting so many out of work. Despite his good change of fortune he became disgruntled when he himself became a victim of the increase in the crime rate.

When he learned that his employer was also secretly creating agents to help control the crime rate but only using pacifist force and weapons he decided to take matters into his own hands. He saw how the weapons had destructive and lethal capabilities but was upset that the CEO was making it only to capture! Stealing the prototype armor, weapons, and Bullet Sled intended for Grimley the Gargoyle he set out on a mission of vengeance… with lethal tendencies. Fearing that the prisons and legal systems don’t work he decided to make the streets safer… by permanently removing those responsible for making them unsafe!

Rides the prototype of Grimley the Gargoyle’s heavily armored anti-gravity Bullet Sled weapon platform.
After its theft Innovative Inc.’s CEO decided to wait, create a new version of the weapon, and release it under a different theme – so that no one would link the two together and ruin the good name they are trying to create.

His Bullet Sled has all the compliment of gear, equipment, and weapons but also sports linked, triple-saw blades in each wing.
He wears dual gauntlets that fire binding cables intended to draw prey into his retractable, motor-driven chainsaws.
His heavy-armored mask was based off of killer ants in South America. It merges into the Bullet Sled for flight, has tracking abilities similar to The Claw’s, and can stop bullets. The mask’s blades are also razor sharp.

Mind Wipe-Final Phase

Real name: Prof. Terrance Wixom
Affiliation: Independent villian
Temperament: Vengeful, angry, hot-headed, cruel, intelligent, wise, cautious, and clever.
Powers/Abilities: To start: Hypnotism, mind read/control, create illusions, create suggestion. After his crystal is permanently implanted: telepathy, telekinesis, pyrotechnic abilities, mental block, and more.
Preferred Strike: Incapacitating mental suggestion.

His mind is his primary weapon. A scientist in his own right who believes in mental powers. Previously his powers came from a crystaline mask that enhanced his mental powers. However, the mask needed to be periodically recharged through his weapon: a spiked staff, which left him vulnerable.

With the break-out of Crime Shark he returns to his quest to further his powers. He discovers a way to surgically infuse a special crystal made from his mask via ionic bond into his forehead’s third eye position to permanently boost his mental powers. After the crime-spree campaign in which The Conjurer and Forkliftman gain their own sample of the ionic bond from The Claw Mind Wipe seeks The Conjurer out. For a price The Conjurer completes the proceedure. With the success of his dangerous operation he becomes almost invincible!